Thursday, 25 February 2016

Scratch with Mr Crowhurst

Scratch is a new introduction to our children. It is a coding website which allows the children to build and make certain things while learning mathematical concepts and language.

Mr Crowhurst has come in to teach us all about it and the children have done a fabulous job using this new site.

Get them to show you their personal blogs which have been updated with what they have made!

Friday, 19 February 2016

Dive Into Learning

As a class we have done a lot of work around 'What makes a good learner' - We have talked, brainstormed, shared ideas around learning, taking responsibility for our learning and overcoming some of the barriers that can at times hinder our learning.

The children came up with a personal learning goal that they want to work on to ensure they are being the best learners they can be at all times. We have presented it on our "Dive Into Learning" wall at the back of our classroom to constantly refer back too. 

Thursday, 18 February 2016

Carey Park Camp

Wow! What a fantastic camp for the children to experience - words can't describe all the feelings and emotions these children went through, overcoming their fears, living with their friends and experiencing things many haven't before.

Enjoy some of the photos I have linked below: 

Carey Park Camp 2016 Video

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Welcome to the Kakapo Team

With our first week under our belt Room 3 have got some great things going on. This year will be full of jam packed learning and fun. We have talked a lot in the past week about what great learners do, see and feel and how important it is that we take responsibility for our learning. We have a lovely big space at the back of the classroom that we are turning into our 'Learning Wall' to remind ourselves just what a great Cockle Bay School learner does. I can't wait to see it finished!